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The Sheep Farm

I love this picture from my weekend on the sheep farm. Oh, these sheep. They are scared, skittish at times, and they would pull away. The longer we were there the more they warmed up. Where ever Greg headed they followed. So many biblical scriptures came to my mind. How we are compared to sheep. How the shepherd leads the sheep. We are scared, and we are skittish. We pull away sometimes; thinking we got this. We watch for stable leadership and guidance in our lives. Where should we go and what should we do? Sometimes we find ourselves standing in the doorway waiting. Right after I took this photo Greg fed the sheep in the pasture. It's that just like Christ to nourish us while we wait. Sparrows, may blessings be given to you in whatever season of life you are in. In our own scared, skittish ways. That we would warm up to our Shepherd and find refuge. He is waiting to love on us. Just as Greg and I were able to love on these gentle sheep. -Shannon John 10:27-29 My sheep hear My voic

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